
Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Rise of the New Millennium Man

    We all been hearing about the feminization of HipHop. But what do that exactly mean? Ok, we know that bloggers and youtubers has been plastering crap about homosexuality or the homosexual agenda of the Illuminati. But that can sound pretty far fetch and ridiculous when we see strong masculine roles in other areas of media.  These people are just using the fear of change that's coming in with the LGBT just to make a quick buck. Don't believe the Hype!!!!! Hype Blast. 
 However, despite the changes in the way we look at sexual preference in this country, men know and understand their roles to women and as fathers. But the question is, how do men respond to these new social changes. Just recently Chris Brown has been hailed has an "metrosexual". This has raised a lot of eyebrows as it "might" apply to his sexual preference. But no alarm, as many women he's been seen with I'm pretty sure he secure in that. 
   For the most part metrosexuals are what we have looked at as GQ, playa types, having swag, or being of the easy life. Most writers and journalist has describe them has heterosexual men who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexuals. But the bottom line, society merely views them as "the pretty boys", Narcissistic men who might stay in the mirror more than their girlfriends, drink lattes at Starbucks, and/or refined sense of fashion(which may include tight fitting shirt, fitting pants with loud colors). Now, traditionally Masculine roles in society has been viewed as more a macho, strength symbol driving his stake in the world, fighting off his enemies, or striving for wealth and status. But as we usher in this new age of a new global economy, the modern man of the new millennium has abandon these traditional macho stereotypes. It has been shown by study that metrosexual men are better with women sexually and invest more intimacy into their relationships.  
    It haven't been a smooth road into this new idea of masculinity. For some men it has been a source of confusion and anxieties. Ultimately, confusion about modern masculinity is a good thing: It means we're working past the outmoded definition,' wrote journalist and blogger Ann Friedman in a nymag.con article last year titled 'What Does Manhood Mean in 2013?' With pop icons such as Chris Brown, we can look forward on having a model to understand the new role for men in modern society. 

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