
Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Millennian Scholar

       As we have move from the industrial age into the age of information and communication technology,  we are finding new and creative ways to use information and because of this, there are high demands For knowledge-based skills, which is putting a new and more important value on education. The Pew Research Center has estimated a higher demand for workers with college degrees, which is expected to increase in the future. But with the cost of college going up and with the lack of jobs on the market, the younger generations are wondering if education still have value. Education has always been a main source for security in Western Culture, without it we create a greater risk of people who are disenfranchised. So in today's time what do we value? It seems that more people are looking to invest more time in work experience. Even though gaining work experience may not be connected to your future plans or may pay poorly, getting a job in a field you're interested in can still actually prepare you for your profession.
      Before the era of information technology, knowledge was largely centralized in the Universities so if you wanted to gain the education necessary to obtain a middle-class job you needed to go to college and the government pay you to go to college through programs like the GI Bill. But somewhere along the way things begin to change, college tuitions started rising more than the cost of living and wages stopped increasing making the value of education questionable. The quality of college education begins to decline and employers started to realize that doing well in college did correlate with doing well in the real world; the old system started breakdown. With the establishment of the Internet, not only has education been decentralized from our schools, it has also been decentralized in the medias as well.  The Internet is now one of our primary sources of information.

     Young Chop who gain notoriety and success while in high school, says he dropped out a few credit short of a diploma, why?

 "I moved to L.A.", Young Chop says in an interview with VladTV. "I stayed there for like a year. So, I like Man, it is what it is with that shit. 'I found out that school really is not.... I don't want to put no bad image on it... but school wasn't really for me. It's not for everybody, that shit is not for everybody bro, I'm telling you.... I got alot of friends that went to college and dropped out of that shit because,.. it wasn't meant for them. That shit ain't for everybody.

This growing attitude among emerging generations, is becoming the new norm for Westernized Societies. Breeding a new type of pop culture based on an antagonistic approach to life, wage slave, and further sense of civic unrest. Is there a solution or is this part of a transitional period? Only time will tell. But right now get knowledge where you can find, but make sure you test it for it's credibility. The internet can be a wonderful tool, if drawn from the right sources, not only for information and tutorials but also as a networking tool to enhance social mobility. And of course there is the opportunity of taking courses online at the convenience of your home. Because at the end of the day, the value is not in education itself, but building value, skills and ethic in yourself that meets the demands of today's job markets and its future. Globalization is very real, and if we don't make ourselves aware of our educational needs, the changes taking place might leave a great percentage of our population in an irreversible economic disparity.

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