
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Purge: Anarchy - How Real Can It Be?

Anarchy, a subject that raise alarm. The possibility of it ever happening is frightening if it ever happens. Unless of course you're a psychopath. What is anarchy? It's a country or state without government protection. No chief-of-staff, no military, no national guard, no police. No law enforcement at all, just complete choas. And the movie"Purge" is an example of what 12 hours of anarchy can be like. Psychopathic intent takes over, it becomes survival of the fittest, with no protection except your own ability to fight. Could something like this ever happen. Well believe it or not we seen an example of it doing the Katrina hurricane. 
 A closer examination of that incident, you would have found all the same exact elements you would've found in the movie purge. So if you were wondering why Katrina happen if it were done intentionally, the government wanted to observe human behavior without government involvement. Of course that's my theory. 
   In the movie Purge, the year is 2022, crime and unemployment rates in the United States are low. Because of the new government established by the "New Founding Fathers of America", death rates as a whole are lower, which cause a threat of overpopulation. Purge was enacted to help release natural urges of violence, conflict, and negativity which will serve to control the population by victimizing the poor and homeless during the 12 hour period. Despite its mixed reviews, the film's revenue a gross $89,328,627 during it's showing, netting a substantial amount to its $3 million budget. The Purge: Anarchy is a major improvement over the first film. Obviously responding to public feedback that the first film that the entire plot took place in a single house. In fact, Purge is predicted to become one of those horror franchises that we missed back in the 80's and 90's. Time will tell. But with a very unique hook, that could reflect a possible reality, (as what we had seen in Katrina), these sequels could go far. 

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