
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

   What Modern Warfare did with its real life personality and character, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare did with Pseudo-realism in futuristic war arsenal. Replacing the hardline ultra realistic game with what qualifies as being fully science fiction: visibility, jump suits, hover tanks, jumps suits, etc.
Not so original in the broader sense, both Titanfall and Destiny both came out with jumpsuit and advanced weaponry. But it's definitely original in series. And for a huge number of people who play Call of Duty as a game of choice, it should gain notoriety.

  Experts have been worried that Advanced Warfare sales will be down, taking a look at the not so good performance of Ghosts, they predict that it will not even add up to it. But gaming experts feel that will not be the case. Pre-orders are one piece of information that objects to that theory. And while 'Ghost' has lost countless of sales at the hands of reviewers and
gamers alike, Advance Warfare actually benefits from positive word of mouth. As people sometimes forget it matters or not if the game is actually good or not. Major League Gaming has already announced that the first Pro League Season for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will start in December. With support from the culture that CG games that this produce, it's bound to be the next big hit. Not to mention the celebrity endorsement from Kevin Spacey.
     Call of Duty may never reach the industry heights it enjoyed throughout the last generation, but Advance Warfare will give it a reach to gamers that will rekindle that competitive edge. Activition definitely made a break through, let's see how well it do in the field.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Challenge of the New Frontier

   We have all heard of the intro of 'Star Trek', "Space the New Frontier..." Since the days of NASA first flight to the moon, we have pondered the day that we will see space travel as a luxury, as part of our pastime. It was the combine aspirations of Sir Richard Branson (Founder of Virgin) and Aerospace Engineer, Burt Rutan that we will sooner than a lot of people anticipated, enjoy private sector (commercialized) space flight. With an estimate of 1.7 billion dollars coming from various investors around the globe, the goal of providing suborbital space flights to those interested in space tourism has become a predetermined human goal.
   After winning the civilian space race in October 4, 2004, Burt Rutan made the statement, "I was thinking a little a bit about that other space agency, I think that they are looking at each other now and saying, 'We're screwed!'." Referring to designing a space travel model that's safer than NASA.  But on July 26, 2007, an explosion occurred killing 3 Scaled Composite employees during the testing of Spaceship Two, and again just recently on October 31, 2014, Spaceship Two crashed after experiencing an in-flight anomaly. One theory surrounding the fuel, the other surrounding the handling of the feathering mechanism. In either case, the accident resulted in the fatality of one pilot and injuring another.
   In the course of innovation, especially one of this magnitude of greatness and achievement, sacrifices are expected to be made. But alot of people think it's not worth it. Deeming the project to be exceptional to the privilege class. With flights beginning in 2015, seats will be starting at $200,000 each. But is it worth the lives lost to it? Some opinions will say it's the next stage of humanity, a creation of intelligent design. And others will say, it's a product of the elite class, a privilege only for those who can afford it. Are we ready for this leap into a space era, are Burt Rutan and Richard Branson ahead of their time? Burt Rutan stated in the beginning of the Virgin Galactic project, "We're aiming at a suborbital system to a low enough operating cost that could eventually reach millions of people."
    We are already aware that society in general can be afraid of change and Information technology has reached a level of sophistication and efficiency that people are adapting to. The goal of these two frontiersmen is simply to be the first to create a conventional form of space travel that everyone can enjoy in their everyday lives and will be incorporated into our everyday culture. From the beginning of civilization, our human goal is that of constant advancement, there no reason to stop now.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Millennian Scholar

       As we have move from the industrial age into the age of information and communication technology,  we are finding new and creative ways to use information and because of this, there are high demands For knowledge-based skills, which is putting a new and more important value on education. The Pew Research Center has estimated a higher demand for workers with college degrees, which is expected to increase in the future. But with the cost of college going up and with the lack of jobs on the market, the younger generations are wondering if education still have value. Education has always been a main source for security in Western Culture, without it we create a greater risk of people who are disenfranchised. So in today's time what do we value? It seems that more people are looking to invest more time in work experience. Even though gaining work experience may not be connected to your future plans or may pay poorly, getting a job in a field you're interested in can still actually prepare you for your profession.
      Before the era of information technology, knowledge was largely centralized in the Universities so if you wanted to gain the education necessary to obtain a middle-class job you needed to go to college and the government pay you to go to college through programs like the GI Bill. But somewhere along the way things begin to change, college tuitions started rising more than the cost of living and wages stopped increasing making the value of education questionable. The quality of college education begins to decline and employers started to realize that doing well in college did correlate with doing well in the real world; the old system started breakdown. With the establishment of the Internet, not only has education been decentralized from our schools, it has also been decentralized in the medias as well.  The Internet is now one of our primary sources of information.

     Young Chop who gain notoriety and success while in high school, says he dropped out a few credit short of a diploma, why?

 "I moved to L.A.", Young Chop says in an interview with VladTV. "I stayed there for like a year. So, I like Man, it is what it is with that shit. 'I found out that school really is not.... I don't want to put no bad image on it... but school wasn't really for me. It's not for everybody, that shit is not for everybody bro, I'm telling you.... I got alot of friends that went to college and dropped out of that shit because,.. it wasn't meant for them. That shit ain't for everybody.

This growing attitude among emerging generations, is becoming the new norm for Westernized Societies. Breeding a new type of pop culture based on an antagonistic approach to life, wage slave, and further sense of civic unrest. Is there a solution or is this part of a transitional period? Only time will tell. But right now get knowledge where you can find, but make sure you test it for it's credibility. The internet can be a wonderful tool, if drawn from the right sources, not only for information and tutorials but also as a networking tool to enhance social mobility. And of course there is the opportunity of taking courses online at the convenience of your home. Because at the end of the day, the value is not in education itself, but building value, skills and ethic in yourself that meets the demands of today's job markets and its future. Globalization is very real, and if we don't make ourselves aware of our educational needs, the changes taking place might leave a great percentage of our population in an irreversible economic disparity.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Rise of the New Millennium Man

    We all been hearing about the feminization of HipHop. But what do that exactly mean? Ok, we know that bloggers and youtubers has been plastering crap about homosexuality or the homosexual agenda of the Illuminati. But that can sound pretty far fetch and ridiculous when we see strong masculine roles in other areas of media.  These people are just using the fear of change that's coming in with the LGBT just to make a quick buck. Don't believe the Hype!!!!! Hype Blast. 
 However, despite the changes in the way we look at sexual preference in this country, men know and understand their roles to women and as fathers. But the question is, how do men respond to these new social changes. Just recently Chris Brown has been hailed has an "metrosexual". This has raised a lot of eyebrows as it "might" apply to his sexual preference. But no alarm, as many women he's been seen with I'm pretty sure he secure in that. 
   For the most part metrosexuals are what we have looked at as GQ, playa types, having swag, or being of the easy life. Most writers and journalist has describe them has heterosexual men who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexuals. But the bottom line, society merely views them as "the pretty boys", Narcissistic men who might stay in the mirror more than their girlfriends, drink lattes at Starbucks, and/or refined sense of fashion(which may include tight fitting shirt, fitting pants with loud colors). Now, traditionally Masculine roles in society has been viewed as more a macho, strength symbol driving his stake in the world, fighting off his enemies, or striving for wealth and status. But as we usher in this new age of a new global economy, the modern man of the new millennium has abandon these traditional macho stereotypes. It has been shown by study that metrosexual men are better with women sexually and invest more intimacy into their relationships.  
    It haven't been a smooth road into this new idea of masculinity. For some men it has been a source of confusion and anxieties. Ultimately, confusion about modern masculinity is a good thing: It means we're working past the outmoded definition,' wrote journalist and blogger Ann Friedman in a nymag.con article last year titled 'What Does Manhood Mean in 2013?' With pop icons such as Chris Brown, we can look forward on having a model to understand the new role for men in modern society. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Purge: Anarchy - How Real Can It Be?

Anarchy, a subject that raise alarm. The possibility of it ever happening is frightening if it ever happens. Unless of course you're a psychopath. What is anarchy? It's a country or state without government protection. No chief-of-staff, no military, no national guard, no police. No law enforcement at all, just complete choas. And the movie"Purge" is an example of what 12 hours of anarchy can be like. Psychopathic intent takes over, it becomes survival of the fittest, with no protection except your own ability to fight. Could something like this ever happen. Well believe it or not we seen an example of it doing the Katrina hurricane. 
 A closer examination of that incident, you would have found all the same exact elements you would've found in the movie purge. So if you were wondering why Katrina happen if it were done intentionally, the government wanted to observe human behavior without government involvement. Of course that's my theory. 
   In the movie Purge, the year is 2022, crime and unemployment rates in the United States are low. Because of the new government established by the "New Founding Fathers of America", death rates as a whole are lower, which cause a threat of overpopulation. Purge was enacted to help release natural urges of violence, conflict, and negativity which will serve to control the population by victimizing the poor and homeless during the 12 hour period. Despite its mixed reviews, the film's revenue a gross $89,328,627 during it's showing, netting a substantial amount to its $3 million budget. The Purge: Anarchy is a major improvement over the first film. Obviously responding to public feedback that the first film that the entire plot took place in a single house. In fact, Purge is predicted to become one of those horror franchises that we missed back in the 80's and 90's. Time will tell. But with a very unique hook, that could reflect a possible reality, (as what we had seen in Katrina), these sequels could go far. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Recently Common hooked up with Big Sean for his newest debut "Diamonds". Common musical talent is one of the leading sounds in the soulful, social conscious alternative genre. Diamonds is a leak from his upcoming Nobody's Smiling album. For you iTunes users, if you pre-order the album, you'll  be able to download "Diamonds" for free.
 Common showed his exceptional ability by an amalgam of social consciousness with an overtone of street mentality. Relating to both audiences, particularly lyrical content accustom to both East and West Coast audiences. G.O.O.D. Music counterpart, Big Sean, stamps it with a Caribbean style hook that set off the harmonious sound.
Make sure you listen the sample, and check out "Speak My Piece". Nobody's Smiling arrives July 22nd.

Sample Lyrics:
I wrote this on my born day, it was a warm day
Niggas gotta eat, we gon’ do it gourmet
I’m hearing fuckin’ voices, like when porn play
Stay, stay on your grind like foreplay
What more can I say? Diamonds are for the day

Click on this link to hear Diamonds
HotNewHipHop: Common-Diamonds

    Listening at the entire song, Diamond expresses different lives being lead with different attitudes, but at the end of the day, we have to appreciate what continues to make our life successful "in the moment". These type of lyrics is what separates this message base style from the more commercial-base, Braggadocio style of hiphop that has been associated with secret societies such as the Illuminati. Either way, his album is expected to receive the same strong positive reaction from his alternative and underground fan base.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Globalization of HipHop

 HipHop, Just like alot of other music genre has gone global. Whether you are talking Brazil, Japan, India, South Africa young and old is finding avoice in HipHop. But what make HipHop stand out from the rest, is it's powerful and alot of time rebellious voice in Social and Economic issues and the Struggles we undergo to achieve the life of our dreams. Its a movement tha evolves with the soul of the times.
   Writer Todd Boyd, a teacher at the University of Southern California School of Cinema Television and author of a new book dubbed: The New H.N.I.C. : The Death of Civil Rights and the Reign of HipHop. He Writes: "I would suggest that you might get a better read of what's going on in the world of black people today by  listening to DMX on 'It's Dark and Hell is Hot' than by listening to repeated broadcasts of Martin Luther King speeches."
    Not being demeaning to the man who lead millions of others, not even two generations ago, to pave the way for the civil rights that not only benefited blacks but all races and minority classes that suffered under the strain of economic and social repression. Todd Boyd also wrote, "I think what black power did and HipHop would pick up on later, was move away from the passive sense of suffering.'We Shall Overcome' HipHop is much more active, much more aggressive, much more militant." Though outspoken racism is hardly an issue in these modern times, it still exists in pockets of everyday urban life in the form of Consensus, social stratification, and gatekeeping.
  The HipHop movement has never been confined to popularity of a particular style of rap or it's musicians. Like Blues, Soul, and Jazz, it expresses the experiences of the African American culture. These experiences had spark the fire of a spirit with the voice of civic revolution which has made it's mark on the global movement alongside other styles of rap such as Gangster Music and the more hedonistic style of luxury and pleasure. Though HipHop is best valued as a style of Music with heavy lyrical content in the field of social change, within the 20 years or more, HipHop has been most popular in the field of financial advancements, sex, violence, dominance, and luxury. Better known among the "hustlers as 'The Life' ." Which I personal feel can be quite delusional when the music heightens a sense of wealth and pleasure with a message of not having to be accountable for our actions, which can totally bankrupt a culture. With this being said, it can be seen that HipHop is a genre of music that expresses the spirit of the times(i.e.zeitgeist). Doing the Reagan Era, we seen one of our first modern economic declines that brung forth artists like Grand Master Flash, Zulu Nation, and Dougie Fresh to voice a need. During Clinton's watch, money was in surplus, job market flourished and artists like Puff Daddy and Notorious B.I.G. reflected an affluent lifestyle of materialism and libertinism. Now we're in an era of possible tyranny of organized forces we can only imagine, but definitely witnessing and feeling their degenerative effects on our lives.
Musical movements have made their way across geographical divides before, but HipHop is more than just music, It's a way of life that encompasses physical movement and personal expression. Killer Mike, a controversial artist from Atlanta, says in an interview with fork, "I'm a little more nervous on the international festivals because a record hasn't been distributed here yet. You don't know if the kids know it. 

And you learn the power of piracy, when you get out there, and the whole front of 8 to 9 rows was rapping it word for word, that's when you understand that the music is bigger than just going to the music store and buying a record. And the kids are going to get the music regardless" It's has been very rewarding for me and has help me really to appreciate the globalization of rap. We always know rap is global, but to hear 'Reagan' done in the Spanish, British, you know Belgium accent, let you know the power and testimony of how far rap has gone..."

Grammy-Award winner Killer Mike aka Mike Biggas, whose latest album titled R.A.P. Music. Really opens up to the ideal of having your cake and eating it too. He says, "You'll always see me at a political rally and the black strip club; I'm gonna represent smoking weed and supporting Trayvon Martin on my record, because I'm a whole man." KIller Mike sense of a dual lifestyle encompasses the best of both worlds of the HipHop industry at the same time remaining a balanced and sound voice for the youth.
The globalization of HipHop, just like any field of interest has its capitalize endeavors. The commercialization of the movement is not just making billions in record sales but also in fashion labels andsport franchises. Even food and beverages are selling their products by advertising the HipHop lifestyles.
Last to mention but first in the modern world that is helping spread the HipHop movement globally on an immaculate level is the internet. At no other point in history have people living in such disparate circumstances and in separate points on the globe been able to come together to communicate like they can today.